The Christmas Wreath

While shopping for food right before Christmas, I noticed a box of beautiful pine wreaths near the register. Though the wreaths didn’t cost a lot, my husband and I had decided to adhere to a strict budget this year so we could give more back to God and I only had enough cash for food that night. Even if I’d had enough for a wreath, I knew it wasn’t the wisest choice for our money.


I walked away from that market a little sad because I’d always wanted a fresh pine wreath. Then I threw a little party. The guest list was short—it was a private pity party between me and God!


The next day I came home from work to a huge box on the table. The aroma hit me first–unmistakably pine! To my shock and amazement, I was looking at the most beautiful pine wreath I have ever seen—complete with glass ornaments, lights and a huge red and gold wire bow.


It was sent from some new friends we had made who live over a thousand miles away. How on earth could they have known?


I quickly realized that God knew. Even though it was just some silly desire on my part, my Father in heaven wanted to bless me and show me that as I follow His will for my life, He will be busy taking care of all of my needs. (And sometimes desires as well!)


I renewed my decision to be obedient in the grocery store, and God saw fit to lavish me with a small luxury!


When was the last time you made a decision to be obedient to Christ, and then saw the floodgates of heaven pour out blessing on you?

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