An Unexpected Encounter with Amy Grant

After my trip to Ghana, I had the honor of sharing a little bit about the experience with Amy Grant. I was able to give her a copy of the video I had from the trip and had set to her song Children of the World. Amy said she would be delighted to watch the video when she got home in a couple days.

At the sound check before the concert, Amy came up to me to thank me for the letter I’d given her with the video and that she’d watch it soon. She said she was moved by what I wrote about the needs in Africa and then leaned forward to show me she was wearing the necklace from Ghana that I’d included in my envelope to her.

During the sound check, Amy stopped and said to the band, “Hey, I know this isn’t on the set list for tonight, but let’s play Children of the World for Joe.” It was a cool moment and I was happy to share it with my friends who were there at the private sound check.

Before the concert, there was a private reception for VIPs and since I was one of a group of eight of us who’d purchased front row tickets, we were admitted to the reception for donors and patrons of the symphony. Amy stopped in to say hi to the donors and posed for a few pictures then had to leave to get ready for the show. About this time an older couple came up to me and asked, “Are you Joe?” I said yes, and they proceeded to explain that their daughter was going to be leaving soon on a mission trip to Africa. They were telling this to Amy earlier and she instructed them to come find me since I had just returned from Ghana. Amy told them I was part of a foundation that was digging wells in Africa and suggested they talk to me. I gave them my business card and they said they would be in touch.

During the concert, Amy stopped to address the audience and discusses MY letter, MY trip and the fact that I’m part of an organization that is digging wells in Ghana. I was dumb-struck for the first couple minutes then had the presence of mind to turn on my cheap camera and hit the record button for the last couple minutes of her discussion. It was an awesome moment.

After the concert I had several people approach me to ask about “my foundation” (LOL) and how they could learn more about the work I’m doing

I don’t know if any formal involvement with Amy may come from this. I know she will watch the video, but don’t know what that my lead to. I can say this. The letter I wrote her wasn’t that great. This is a God-thing and if the Holy Spirit is speaking to her heart the way He has so many other people we’ve encountered through work with With This Ring, who knows where this may lead?

God Bless,


Here is a link to the video of Amy’s comments: